RECREATION in Jefferson County

The exhibit features posters, artifacts, and photos related to old-time fun and pastimes in our county.
High School History Poster Contest
Each year the Jefferson County Museum works with Mr. Cody Ottman's Montana History class at Jefferson County High School in Boulder to create a series of educational posters.
The goal of this contest is to teach young adults how to seek, interpret, and use firsthand historical sources, such as newspapers and oral histories. This year, we had 23 posters delivered to present the theme of Recreational Pastimes in Jefferson County. Patrons voted on the posters until April 14, 2023. Prizes will be awarded to students with the winning posters: • 1st place-$100 • 2nd place-$75 • 3rd place-$50 Keep an eye on this page--We'll announce the winners soon. |